Monday, 8 August 2016

Week 16, 1 More Week left!

Most of this week was spent finishing assigments for week 17. The only thing i managed to do for CPD was the final script which is only 75% done. I am going to finish that tonight:)

I was still quite blur about how to do the research for the production bible, but I have asked my group about it and they cleared my doubts. All i have to do now is find time to actually finish it!

Haha! I dont know why i put this here but it made me happy. I guess I am excited that there is only 1 week left and then there is our Last Viva and then we are done!!!!!!!!!!! Yaaaay

Also the 4 of them are the 4 of us in 4ARC. I am Brick, of course at extreme right(i love lamp). Roxann is Ron, the one in blue, the leader. Charmaine is Brian, extreme left and Alvin is Champ.

Monday, 1 August 2016

Week 15: Acceptance

I started on the production bible this week. I just wrote down the stuff that we already know such as the premise, log line and other things about our story. But the hard part is collecting research about marketing and our competitors. So I have not touched that part yet. I have been really busy with other modules that I could not find time to do much CPD. I even used my CPD time to do other work as this week was my last IS modules lessons. So i had to prepare for a final presentation and prepare for a practical test. On top of that i had to put in hours at the gym for my fitness module. So a lot of time went to IS modules this week. I feel really bad as this week especially I probably did the least work out of all of us. Alvin was working on the new character designs, expressions and poses. Roxann and Charmaine was working on the colour script, and I literally wrote down 2 pages of words on a document.

Just to feel like i actually did more things, here is something i did 5 weeks ago that i did not post:

That's it. This is supposed to be a card. An alpha card to be scattered around in the background of the exterior. So it will be blurred a bit and I will make more versions by duplicating, changing height and width and changing the colours. And I predict that next week would not be productive for CPD as well as I have to finish all my assignments for week 17. 

These are the list of tasks that i'm assigned to:
  • Finishing the first 4 chapters of the Production Bible
  • Finish updating the prop designs and do the Props guide
  • Edit Audio for the Animatic
  • Make different versions of the Building Alpha Cards

I will try my best to start these things next week. As for the group's progress I feel like we are doing alright. Oh and we decided to finish the slides earlier and have a rehearsal a few days before the presentation as our previous presentations have been very unprofessional.