Thursday, 29 September 2016

Return to School

It's still the official school holidays but we were told to come to school to continue our projects. So we are starting school 1 month early.

The first week was slow. My group members were overseas, so the rest of us just played games and talked until our briefing on Thursday, 22nd September. That week I did 2 poster designs just to have more variety of posters in the environment.

This week, we got to see our supervisors, Philip and Borko. Philip looked through the animatic and designs and gave us some suggestions about it. One big concern was the design of the office building, as the design and colours made it stand out a lot. We do want it to stand out, but it did not look like an office building. Philip says the colours make it look like a casino or a place of entertainment. So I was tasked to redesign the building but to try to keep the shape similar to the current one. I only completed one sketch.

I was also trying out Toon shader on the buildings to make it look flat. I have completed converting 2 buildings to the Toon shader, so there is 2 more left to go.

I think that is all that has happened. I feel that we might be doing things slowly as we still know in the back of our minds that it's still the holidays. There is no pressure to do things. But things are catching up as the weeks go by. So that's good!

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